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    Diving Course

    Diving Course – A One Star Diving Course

    (International Diver Certification)

    Two weeks at the Wingate Institute and an additional week at Herzliya Pitoach (Buses to Wingate only)

    For ages 12 and above, does not include buses on the third week.

    One star course:

    A basic 5 days (6 hours a day) course, during which the students learn theoretical and practical diving lessons. The course is held at first at the Dan Accadia Hotel’s pool, and then at the sea. The students will get to the required depth in the Club’s boat, which is in the Herzliya Marina. Finishing the course grants a diving license and an international Diver certification, up to 20 meters (65 ft), accompanied by a 2 Stars Diver. The course is for ages 12+.


    The Reef Diving Club is certified by the PADI, the CMAS and the Israeli Diving Union. It works under the Israeli Diving Authority’s inspection.

    נוער צולל 2012

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