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    Passover at Givat Washington

    sop-resize-400-גיפsop-resize-400-לקרוס-2sop-resize-400-אקשן ופאן

    A Passover day camp for children between kindergarten and seventh grade.
    In the day camp, we expose the children to a wide variety of activities from different fields, while making sure each and every one finds their own place and have fun.
    The are many activities in the camp – Sports, engineering, robotics, model aircraft and much more.
    Our Passover day camp lets kids experience a fun new activity that they mostly do not get to experience in their daily life.
    We have an experienced adult guide team who have a lot of experience with kids.


    Start of activities- 8:30

    End of activities: 15:00


    The day camp has breakfast and lunch.
    Breakfast – Bread, different spreads and a Tropit (Grape juice).
    Lunch – A warm, Kosher meal with meat and vegetables.


    (5 days)


    1190 NIS
    (Does not include transportation)


    Optional transportation from near your home.
    (Requires an additional payment)

    sop-resize-400-טיסן-1קפיצה בחבל פסח 2014sop-resize-400-ללל

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